Feature Stories

Campaign Update

Construction Boom

Off the map:

College of Dentistry Clinic and Education Building (Dallas)

The Texas A&M College of Dentistry in Dallas is embarking on a capital project to build a new, world-class clinical education facility. Construction is estimated to be completed in December 2019, while the building will open for patient care in January 2020.

The college is the largest single provider of oral health care in North Texas and conducts more than 100,000 patient visits annually. It serves a large population of low-income and homeless individuals. The new clinical space will allow the dental school to increase student enrollment by 25 percent, increase patient visits to 150,000, and significantly improve patient access, privacy and comfort, all of which will increase access to quality care for Texans in Dallas-Fort Worth and beyond.  

More than $3.67 billion has been raised of the $4 billion campaign goal as of Sept. 30, 2019. Aside from construction, major gifts to the campaign have also funded the naming of the James Benjamin Department of Accounting and the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, significant gifts have created or enhanced these programs: the Albritton Center for Grand Strategy, which explores U.S grand strategy and America’s role on the global stage; the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study, which attracts world-class researchers to study at Texas A&M; the Petroleum Ventures Program, an interdisciplinary certificate program for petroleum and finance majors; and the McFerrin Center for Entrepreneurship, which enhances entrepreneurial student education through various programs and competitions. Learn more about the Lead by Example campaign at leadbyexample.tamu.edu.


Dunae Reader '15

Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications/Spirit Editor