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Best Lecture: 5 Classes We Wish We Could Take

By Laura Simmons '19

Spirit Student Worker
History of Rock with Professor Matthew DelCiampo

Look no further for a course that will end on a high note. History of Rock provides an evolution of rock music from the birth of American popular music to the rise of iconic celebrities such as Prince, Michael Jackson and Nirvana. Students discover how some of their favorite artists reflect culture and ideology throughout history. “I want this course to produce critical and productive thinkers, as well as open-minded, thoughtful and engaged citizens,” said DelCiampo. “We examine how pop and rock musical histories coincide with aspects of race, gender, class and politics.”

Great Diseases of the World with Professor Ian Tizard

History is dotted with pandemics that have had enormous effects on the development of modern civilization. Great Diseases of the World offers an introduction to the study of the world’s most interesting ailments, including plague, tuberculosis and malaria. Students can also expect to discuss the science behind epidemics and the role of climate change. “This course integrates the most fascinating aspects of medical science, history and current events in a captivating and accessible manner,” said Tizard.

Creative Thinking
Design Process with Professor Rodney Hill

This class goes beyond entrepreneurship: It teaches students how to be 21st-century freethinkers, from cultivating their own creative process to learning the ins and outs of innovation and the ever-changing world of business. For their final project, student groups research an existing business, service or product and then design a competing company that would render the original obsolete. “My goal is that students become knowledge creators with a global transdisciplinary creative ability,” said Hill. “I hope they become the independent entrepreneurs of the future.”

Olympic Studies with Professor Paul Keiper

In Olympic Studies, students discover the world through the lens of today’s most global sporting event. The course begins with a look at the very first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. and continues to the present. Students examine the relationship between the Olympics, culture and society, and explore hot topics surrounding the games such as social issues, ethics, amateurism, commercialization and the Paralympics. “As a sport management professor, I hope to make the world better through the understanding of sports,” said Keiper.

Food & Drink
Enology with Professor Andreea Botezatu

This unique science course helps students refine their palates and their brain cells as they evaluate wines from around the world. While meeting in labs, lecture halls, vineyards and wineries, students learn about the chemistry of wine and champagne and explore the hands-on winemaking process from grapevine to glass. By the end of the semester, they gain a better understanding of wine quality and the complexity of human taste and aroma perception. “It demystifies wine,” said Botezatu. “The wine industry in Texas is booming and in need of trained specialists. Who knows…this course could open up an unexpected career path for someone!” 


Dunae Reader '15

Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications/Spirit Editor