For those of you who’ve read the magazine for years, I hope you’ve appreciated Mark’s work. I hope you’ve seen photos that made you smile, designs that delighted you, elements that surprised you and maybe even some typography that puzzled you. We’ve always most valued Mark for his commitment to approaching each story thoughtfully and developing spreads that effectively bring our words to life. There’s no better magic than the art of pairing words and pictures on a page, and in our estimation, Mark will always be one of the greats.
Please enjoy this final issue of his work for Spirit, which includes wonderful and diverse stories on Texas A&M students, faculty and programs to kick off your new year with pride. We’ll be back in the spring under new designers who I’m confident will continue Spirit’s legacy in style.
Finally, to Mark: We wish you and Julie all the very best in your retirement. It’s time to have fun, travel, piddle around the house and love the grandkid! I’ll always treasure our partnership these last 10 years—it’s been a joy, honor and privilege to work with someone who cares so much.
Dunae Reader ’15
Editor, Spirit magazine
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