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Last fall, I took my son, Sam, on a tour of Texas A&M University. In addition to the dorms, Memorial Student Center, Evans Library and iconic Kyle Field, I knew there was one more place we had to visit: a retirement community in Bryan. Living there is a 95-year-old man who greatly impacted my life, starting in 1993: Mr. Marvin “Bud” Dealy Jr. ’50.

Characterized by his good nature and tender heart, Marvin “Bud” Dealy Jr. ’50 has provided financial support and encouragement to scholarship recipients like Lezli Braswell ’97 through the years.

I received a President’s Endowed Scholarship established by Mr. Dealy and his family in honor of his father (Class of 1925). Beginning my freshman year, the Dealys embraced me as one of their own. They took me to dinner when they were in town, called to congratulate me on accomplishments and told me they were proud. They amazed me with their energy and spirit as they traveled across the country to attend Aggie games and events. I’d never known anyone like them! 

After graduation, they continued to encourage me through medical school and residency. They sent Christmas cards each year and gifts when my children were born. As we moved around the country for my husband’s military career, the Dealys always kept in touch. Our 2023 visit to College Station included a heartwarming reunion with Mr. Dealy in his home, where I found his humor, sharpness and tender-hearted nature unchanged.

A President’s Endowed Scholarship opened the door for this West Texas girl to attend her dream school, but I received so much more than money. I was adopted into the Aggie family with a love I couldn’t have imagined. Mr. Dealy emerged as a consistent source of kindness, optimism and generosity throughout my life—a steadfast cheerleader who exceeded the role of a benefactor. So, it was no surprise that when Sam received his acceptance to the Class of 2028, Mr. Dealy was among the first to send his congratulations. I’m excited that we’ll now have many more chances to visit!

Lezli Braswell ’97
Flower Mound, Texas

  • Marcy Ullmann '86

  • Assistant Vice President for Scholarship Programs
  • Call: 979.599.7967

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