Dr. Poppy
Capehart '75
Advisor, Department of Food Science and Technology
It all started with a few students bringing Mickey Mouse toys to Dr. Poppy Capehart for his daughters. Today, his office is a trove of more than 900 items bearing the famous mouse, including clothes, books, pictures, mugs, food and office supplies. Each item collected over the past 30 years reveals the story of the student who gave it to express their appreciation for Capehart’s impact on their life. “There’s a certain gratitude at Texas A&M that has played out in this delightful way in my life,” he marveled. “Many of these things would be meaningless to most people, but to me, they’re of great value because they’re gifts that remind me of all the Aggies who’ve come through my door.”
Mickey Mouse
Disney World Visits:
5 (and 5 Disney cruises!)
Many of these things would be meaningless to most people, but to me, they’re of great value because they’re gifts that remind me of all the Aggies who’ve come through my door.
Dr. Poppy Capehart '75
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