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Though there are hundreds of ways to support Aggie students, faculty and staff, below are some of the highest-priority initiatives featured in this issue of Spirit. These opportunities span programs, student activities and colleges across campus.

If you are interested in learning more about supporting an initiative, please connect with the listed development officer for further details. You can also contribute online donations of $25 or more to some of these programs by visiting our online giving site—indicated by those programs with associated black buttons.

Corps Scholarships

The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets is the largest, oldest and most visible student organization and leadership training program at Texas A&M University. You can support a member of the Corps of Cadets through one of four scholarships: a Keepers of the Spirit Scholarship, a Corps of Cadets 21st Century Scholarship, a General Rudder Corps Scholarship, or a Sul Ross Scholarship.

Once funded, these scholarships provide a student with a yearly stipend for up to four years, after which a new cadet will begin to benefit from your gift. Contributions in support of Corps scholarships will help recruit and retain cadets as the organization plans to expand enrollment to 3,000 cadets.

Contact: Matt Jennings '95, Senior Director of Development, Corps of Cadets

Business Education Complex

Projected to open in 2025, the new Business Education Complex on West Campus will include a new state-of-the-art building with classrooms with the latest technologies, a café, and flexible seating that focuses on connectivity, creativity and collaboration among students, faculty and executives. This new building, coupled with inviting outdoor spaces, will offer engaging learning experiences and create one of the nation’s most creative and collaborative business school environments. Numerous naming opportunities still exist, or you can give to the complex’s construction online by clicking the button below.

Support the Complex

Contact: True Brown, Senior Director of Development, Mays Business School

Next-Generation Small Animal Teaching Hospital

As veterinary education becomes increasingly collaborative and patient-centered, the need for a new Next-Generation Small Animal Teaching Hospital at Texas A&M is greater than ever. The new hospital will offer Aggie veterinarians much-needed space, modernized equipment, and enhanced support for interdisciplinary research, telehealth and connected care.

While the university and the Texas Legislature have provided significant funds toward the new facility, its construction requires $50 million in additional private support. Aside from its benefits to clients, the new hospital will also represent a significant investment in the veterinary professional program, creating more vibrant and hands-on educational opportunities and solidifying Texas A&M as a world-class destination for veterinary care. Numerous naming opportunities exist in the new hospital, or you can give to its construction online by clicking the button below.

Support the Hospital

Contact: Larry Walker '97, Senior Director of Development, School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Foundation Excellence Award Scholarships

Foundation Excellence Award (FEA) Scholarships help recruit and retain outstanding undergraduates from historically disadvantaged groups often underserved in the Aggie student body, including minorities and those who face significant economic or educational hurdles. Since 1999, FEAs have awarded meaningful financial support to underserved Aggies who need it most. 

You can create a pass-through scholarship for one student with a gift of $10,000. For a perpetual impact, however, individuals and corporations can endow a $50,000 FEA that will help deserving students write their own Aggie stories for generations.

Contact: Al Pulliam '87, Assistant Vice President for Development, Serving FEA Scholarships

Special Care Dentistry Clinic

After special care dental patients age out of pediatric dental care, the number of general dentists trained to treat them is next to none. As a result, this population often experiences higher rates of cavities, gum issues and tooth loss. To address this problem, the School of Dentistry has established a fellowship program to educate and train more students on treating special care patients.

To achieve maximum impact, however, the program needs a central clinic, more staff and a curriculum to educate all Texas A&M dental students, growing an awareness of the need and practitioners to fill it. Contributions in support of the School of Dentistry’s special care clinic can help improve countless children’s lives.

Contact: Ian Wilson '13, Director of Development, School of Dentistry

Maroon Santa

As a Texas A&M student, David Isenhour Jr. ’18 brainstormed a concept wherein students could fundraise to purchase Christmas wish-list items for student veterans’ children and deliver them at an annual event. In its fifth year in 2021, Maroon Santa impacted 40 children from 18 veteran families. 

Parents Denise and David Sr. Isenhour were so moved by the event that in October 2021, they pledged a $25,000 endowment in their son’s name to provide permanent support for the program. As the program continues, the Isenhours hope more Aggies will experience the joy of giving back. With your support, the Maroon Santa Program can grow and touch the lives of more student veterans and their families.

Contact: David Bacot '90, Senior Director of Development, Veterans Affairs

  • Dunae Reader '15

  • Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications/Spirit Editor
  • Call: 979.321.6343

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