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The Bush School D.C. is celebrating its first endowed gift. Established by Gemini Industries Inc., a private-sector intelligence company, the gift will fund an annual lecture series in intelligence to address contemporary issues, such as biases in computer processing, privacy issues in data sourcing and strategies for analyzing the sheer amount of information made available via the internet.

The series will attract presenters from top government positions who can share their real-world experience with students and aligns with plans to offer a master’s degree in national security and intelligence at the school in 2022.

“The future generation of intelligence operatives, analysts and other government workers will need the tools to address pressing issues in the intelligence field,” said Greg Hicks, director of communications for Gemini Industries. “We’re partnering with the Bush School to build the future of America’s national security.”

More than 300 graduates of the Bush School campus in College Station have already entered intelligence careers. With the addition of the D.C. program, Texas A&M will further solidify its reputation as a premier institution for intelligence studies.

  • Alice Yates '99

  • Assistant Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
  • Bush School of Government and Public Service
  • Call: 202.773.0030

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